It has been a very nice spring week--mostly sunny coolish days, but some rain too including a major downpour yesterday afternoon. So far the migration is still bringing us mainly our summer breeding birds. Of the 9 warblers that we normally have breeding each year on our land, 7 migrants now have arrived (common yellowthroat, n. parula, hooded, prairie, yellow-breasted chat, La waterthrush--middle photo above--and ovenbird--top photo above). We have pine warblers year round. So I am still waiting for a yellow-throated warbler. My sister said she heard one calling at her house but I have not seen or heard one yet myself. We also have yellow-rumps passing thru.
Other birds of note this week include the first of the season ruby-throated hummer, scarlet tanagers, and yellow-throated and red-eyed vireos. The sightings for the week also include swamp, white-throated and chipping sparrows; robins, hermit thrushes and blue jays; belted kingfisher; cooper's, red-shouldered and red-tailed hawks; barred owl; blue-gray gnatcatchers, brown-headed nuthatches, tufted tits, and Carolina chickadees; downy, red-bellied and pileated woodpeckers; house and gold finches; brown-headed cowbirds and American crows; black and turkey vultures; eastern towhees, phoebes and bluebirds; and mourning doves and Canada geese.
The bottom photo above is of our native azalea that blooms here in early April. You can click on any photo to enlarge it. This week depending on the weather fronts may bring us our first migratory warblers such as black-throated blues. Stay tuned!
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